Use "kurd|kurds" in a sentence

1. Kurd commander accepts Ceasefire terms 01:53

2. Disarming the Kurds and the Europeans.

3. Six other Kurds at Haslar face imminent removal.

4. The plight of the Kurds gained global visibility.

5. This geo-cultural region means "Land of the Kurds".

6. He had written sympathetically about the plight of the Kurds.

7. Abandoning the Kurds Our long-time allies in northern Iraq deserve U.S

8. Two of these ethnic groups are the Arabs and the Kurds

9. In recent years some Kurds from Muslim backgrounds have converted to Christianity.

10. Security forces fired into the crowd, killing six Kurds, including three children.

11. ‘The principal non-Persian Indo-European speakers include Kurds, Lurs, Baluchis, and

12. This dam is going to displace (Sentence dictionary)000 Kurds in a war region.

13. Kurds vs Arabs Many ethnic groups live in Asia, particularly in the Middle East

14. Provoking Turkey, the Americans continued sending the Kurds new arms in convoys via Iraq.

15. The helicopters, some American officials later surmised, were used to spray poison gas on the Kurds.

16. The Kurds and Turks cynically resisted Assyrian and Armenian efforts to attain statehood after World War II

17. Both secular and Christian Assyrians, unlike the Kurds, are steadfast in their pro-Jewish and pro-Israel views,

18. Al-Hasakah has an ethnically diverse population of Kurds, Arabs and Assyrians and a smaller number of Armenians.

19. ماچێ لە کۆڵم و گۆنا بە دۆلارو کڕۆنە😂 #Awat_page_ #Awatpage #Awatbokaniofficial #Awatbokani #vip #fyp #foryou #aktev #zeko #song #kurd #arab #saroira

20. The true Aryan came to India during Aryan invasion from middle Asia Minor (kurds and turks are also from there)

21. Most Kurds reside in the northeastern corner of Syria and most speak the Kurmanji variant of the Kurdish language.

22. The genetic relationship between Kurds and Azeris of Iran was investigated based on human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class II profiles

23. The agreement guarantees Kurds their safe return - but who is to be the guarantor of their long-term safety and freedom?

24. However, the local Kurds and outside pressure groups claim that the Ilisu dam would inundate much of the area including Hasankeyf.

25. Generally, Assyrians look similar to Lebanese, Kurds, Syrians, Armenians, Turks and, at times, Iraqi Arabs, Mandeans, Georgians, Azeris, Iranians, Sicilians and Cypriots

26. On 13 February 2016, Turkey began heavy artillery bombing of Kurds in North Aleppo and at Azaz as they advanced against opposition groups.

27. ‘Iran has Persian-speaking populations on the central plateau, but on the peripheries are ethnic and religious minorities, including Turkic Azeris, Kurds, Lurs, …

28. Iran is a multicultural country comprising numerous ethnic and linguistic groups, the largest being Persians (61%), Azeris (16%), Kurds (10%), and Lurs (6%).

29. Kurds Fear ‘Arabization’ of Iraq’s Kirkuk Sunday, 5 November, 2017 - 10:30 A member of Iraqi security forces takes down the Kurdish flag in Kirkuk, Iraq.

30. The Turkish government institutionalized the racism and paid academics to teach false theories that would deny the existence of Kurds, such as the "kurt-kart theory".

31. Krak des Chevaliers also Crac des Chevaliers, is a Crusader castle in Syria and one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the World.The site was first inhabited in the 11th century by a settlement of Kurds; as a result it was known as Hisn al Akrad, meaning the "Castle of the Kurds".

32. Akin Birdal is not a Kurd. He is a Turk, a man of peace, condemned for speaking out about the Kurdish issue and calling for an end to this dirty war.

33. March 1988: Over two days in March, the ethnic Kurd city of Halabja in northern Iraq (population 70,000) was bombarded with chemical bombs, which included Sarin, in the Halabja chemical attack.

34. Turkey The Kurds of Turkey see Azeris as a people who are are related to the Turks and those whose language sounds like the Turkish language

35. HLA typing was performed using polymerase chain reaction/restriction fragment-length polymorphism (PCR/RFLP) and PCR/sequence-specific primer (PCR/SSP) methods in 100 Kurds and 100 Azeris.

36. The Iraqi Bathist regime was a secular government, and Saddam urged Arab nationalism over religious fundamentalism—he wanted to foster a homogenous society of Shia, Sunni and Kurds

37. Assyria, the land of the indigenous Assyrians, was partitioned after World War I by the victorious Allies, and is currently under occupation by Kurds, Turks, Arabs and Persians

38. The Ba'athist Arabization campaigns in North Iraq involved the forced displacement and cultural Arabization of minorities (Kurds, Yezidis, Assyrians, Shabaks, Armenians, Turkmen, Mandeans), in line with settler colonialist policies

39. Ultimately, all this will likely produce a fragmentation of the country and a proxy war between Saudi-supported Sunni and Iranian-supported Shia, with the Kurds eventually going their own way.

40. According to the high-ranking official, the Armaments and vehicles have been brought from the territory of Northern Iraq through the Semelka checkpoint into Rojava, the territory where the Syrian Kurds live

41. During the campaign, the Kurdish governor of Hamadan fled, and Abul-Shawk retreated from Dinawar to Kermanshah and then to the citadel of Sirwan. on the Diyala river, where a large number of Kurds rallied around him.

42. The Kurds in the north cleverly and adeptly used the window of opportunity that opened before them to seize de facto independence, though the key question of control over the northern city of Kirkuk remains a ticking time bomb.

43. Krak des Chevaliers, also called Crac des Chevaliers, Ḥiṣn al-Akrād, literally “Fortress of the Kurds”), and formerly Crac de l’Ospital, is a Crusader castle in Syria and one of the most important preserved medieval castles in the world

44. 2021-03-23 The Grand Turk: Tens of Thousands of Turkish Kurds Protest over Repression [ENGLISH.AAWSAT] لإens of thousands of people gathered in the city of Diyarbakir in southeast The Sick Man of Europe Turkeyjust another Cheapjack Moslem dictatorship, brought to …

45. The post-ceasefire status quo was a victory for Armenia, which through the occupation of the districts of Kalbajar and Lachin — populated mainly by Azerbaijanis and Kurds — established a zone of contiguous control linking the self-proclaimed Armenian Republic of Artsakh to Armenia proper.

46. As we work to advance the political process, the United States is committed to ensuring that all Syrians, including the Sunni Arabs, Kurds, Christians, Turkmen, and other minorities in northeast Syria, have a full seat at the table and an appropriate say in their future pursuant to UN Security Council Resolution 2254.

47. (h ) Continuing discrimination and other human rights violations, at times Amounting to persecution, against persons belonging to ethnic, linguistic or other minorities, including, inter alia, Arabs, Azeris, Baluchis and Kurds and their defenders, noting, in particular, reports of the violent suppression and detention of ethnic Arabs and Azeris, the violent repression of environmental protests

48. According to Human Right Watch, from the 1991 Gulf War until 2003, the former Iraqi government systematically expelled an estimated 120,000 Kurds and some Turkmen and Assyrians from Kirkuk and other towns and villages in this oil-rich region.Since the fall of Saddam's regime in 2003, thousands of displaced Kurdish families and others returned to Kirkuk and other Arabicized regions to reclaim

49. If this is in fact the case, what will the Council do in relation to Turkey, which is linked by an association agreement with the European Union? Secondly, I am surprised that you are not aware that there is a more recent decision which forbids the ADEP Party from taking part in the elections, thereby depriving 20 million Kurds of their human right to express themselves politically in the elections.